Sunday, June 1, 2008

Grandma's Cat Goldie

Grandma was a bit under the weather today so instead of taking her out, we did a bit of shopping for her and then stopped by for a visit.

Here's a photo of her cat, Goldie.

Both Goldie and Grandma are enjoying a bit of peace and quite now that her noisy roommate has been moved to a different room.

It took a couple of weeks of phone calls to administrators at the "institution" to get the roommate moved.

It wasn't a problem with them getting along... the problem was the roommate played her TV, at full blast, all day and evening long. It was driving Grandma crazy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Goldie looks beautiful on the new bedspread! I hope they moved the lady to a room with a deaf person :) - gg