Monday, July 28, 2008

Take Your Kohlrabi to Work Day

As I was packing my lunch this morning, I mentioned that I was going to take a couple of the kohlrabi with me to work.

My husband replied, "If they have a good time, maybe you can take them to the park tomorrow."

I'm still laughing over that one ;-)


Cheryl said...

what is kahlrabi???????????????

Purple Rose of Sharon said...

It's a vegetable from the cabbage family that tastes sort of like a mild radish. I first discovered them at Marty Scharff's deli up by the North Village Mall. They used to serve them with dill dip.

They grow above the ground, one per plant with large leaves above the edible portion of the kohlrabi.

You have to peel them and then just slice them up and eat either with veggie dip or just a little salt.

Here's a post on Wikipedia with more info:

Joe and Tammy Ward said...

That's very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe and Tammy Ward said...

That's very funny!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!