Saturday, September 27, 2008

Notre Dame Beats Purdue

Late Friday afternoon Bruce received a call from WRBR letting him know he had won entry into their Notre Dame tent party, along with two friends. Kelly and I were happy to join him.

We ate tons of free food from Taco Bell, played the corn hole game and ran into several friends and neighbors.

One of the WRBR staffers was passing out t-shirts using a shirt cannon. Rather than pointing the cannon in the air, he aimed it right at my stomach. I sure wasn't expecting that. It didn't hurt, but really surprised me. Not being a big fan of either t-shirts or Miller Lite beer, I happily gave the t-shirt to Kelly.

Bruce visits with neighbor Bonnie and her daughter, Tamera.
After the party we headed over to Between the Buns to watch the game.


Anonymous said...

Looks like fun! Kelly looks great. -gg

xoxoxo ~Lori said...

I saw you on tv at BTB! :)