Sunday, September 21, 2008

Fall Chores Continued

I crossed #2 off my list today. I painted the front door. I'd really like to get a new front door, but the one I have my eye on is nearly four grand. I don't want it that bad!

As I stood back to admire my paint job I noticed the porch lights are quite rusted. I think I'll add a #11 to my fall chore list and paint those light fixtures. They have a brass finish now, but I'm thinking about painting them black -- maybe a textured black finish.

I'd really prefer new light fixtures -- in sort of an arts and crafts design -- but again, not really interested in spending money right now. It's hard to justify any sort of expenditure, beyond the basic necessities, when the entire US economic system is in such a state of uncertainty.

I made some progress on a couple of other fall chores today. I washed the garage windows. Well, I washed the insides, but I'll have to wait for the plants in the window baskets to die back before I can wash the outsides of the windows.

I've got six hours into the garage floor epoxy project. I bought the epoxy in April, thinking I'd get it done this summer, but summer is over and I never got around to it. Around 10am I started moving everything from one side of the garage to the other. Then, I spent the next several hours sweeping, hand-scrubbing, power washing and shop vacuuming the empty half of the floor. I think it should be dry enough to epoxy tomorrow evening. Then, it needs to set for a couple of days. So, next weekend I get to move everything to the other side of the garage and start the process all over again. Wow... it better look great when I'm finished because this is a huge amount of work.


Cheryl said...

Your entry way looks great...what did you did with all the critters??

Joe and Tammy Ward said...

Looks great; I like the color but I always like green. Green with black light fixtures will look good. Throw a black and red (or maybe just red) pillow on that bench to bring out your coleus!