Thursday, May 29, 2008

Transplanted Roses Are Thriving

Two years ago I dug up all of my climbing roses and gave them to the neighbor who lives in the house directly behind my veggie garden and suggested she plant them behind her shed.

My goal was to pretty up the side of her shed that faces my garden.

Instead she planted them on the west side of the shed. So, I still have to see the weeds that grow along the back of her shed, but the roses are thriving in their new home.

I dug them up because I have no talent for growing roses. They would bloom for a couple of weeks and then get black spot and all of the blooms and leaves would drop off and I'd be left with sticker branches.

They didn't bloom last year, but there are hundreds of buds on them right now so I'm sure in a couple of weeks they will be in full bloom.

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