Monday, May 26, 2008

Not an HGTV Paint Job

When we built the shed, I borrowed a Pantone color book from work so I could determine the exact color of our house and then buy matching paint for the shed.

Apparently I'm somewhat color blind because our house is green and the shed paint I had special mixed was tan.

After three years of procrastination, I finally got around to repainting the shed today.

When I returned from the parade, Bruce was leaving for work so I readied my painting supplies with the goal of finishing the job before he returned from work.

Nine hours and several Diet Coke breaks later I had a green shed, a bit of a sunburn and "Pop Goes The Weasel" hopelessly stuck on auto replay in my head.

Around 2pm the ice cream man pulled into our neighborhood -- I never caught a glimpse of him, but I envisioned a giant weasel popping out of the top of his truck each time that song played.

He must have thought he'd reach his frozen-treat-selling quota in our neighborhood today because he stuck around at least three hours. Okay, maybe it was only 20 minutes, but with that annoying song playing, it seemed much longer.

As I was painting the shed, I kept wishing I was on an HGTV program. On those shows, they can paint anything in 30 minutes, plus build a pergola, install a yard full of sod, build outdoor benches and sew seat cushions. And, they never get paint on their clothes or on their dog's ear.

Spike spent most of the day outside with me, but every once in a while he forgot that I was outside and started barking to be let inside. Most times I would whistle to catch his attention and he'd remember that I was outside and he'd lay back down in the grass. Late in the afternoon I couldn't get his attention so I put down my paintbrush and let him in. I had quite a bit of paint on my hands and somehow left a big smudge on his ear.

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