Friday, August 17, 2007

Trip Through Amish Country

After work tonight, I picked up Bruce and we traveled through Amish Country to pick up a wooden goose for my Aunt Joyce Ann. Many interesting sights along the way...

Horse-drawn Amish buggy making us drive really, really slow.

Amish horses enjoying their day off.

Amish lady bike rider -- wonder if she's wishing she had a car. Or, wishing that we didn't so she wouldn't have to breath our exhaust.

Amish biker gang -- note the gang colors on their do-rags.

One of many beautiful Amish flower gardens we drove by.

Amish kids playing outdoors because their PlayStations don't work (no electricity) and they don't have MySpace pages (no internet connection). They all appear to be fit and trim.

Blue Gate Restaurant on the town square in Shipshewana. I think this was the only business in town that was actually open for business at 6pm this evening.

Shipshewana Auction Barn. Not much going on here now, but on Tuesdays and Wednesdays, this place is packed with people and animals.

Crowded parking lot in front of Yoder Department Store in downtown Shipshewana.

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